IBN Verified

IBN Verified makes it easy to verify product authenticity and ownership by searching barcode numbers (GTIN, UPC, EAN), locations (GLN), or company name. Confirm barcode ownership and access accurate product information through the International Barcodes Network database.

Look for the number that appears below the barcode image and type this number into the search bar above.

Verified and Trusted

 IBN Verified provides reliable and up to date information about products, companies, and locations that have been registered with the International Barcodes Database.

Reliable product information

Reliable company information

Reliable location information

Enter your product’s barcode number to access detailed information, including manufacturer, product name, and more. Ensure authenticity and accurate data in seconds.

Input the barcode number to quickly verify the company behind the product. Access available company details like name, location, and contact information with ease.

Enter a GLN (Global Location Number) to confirm the registered location of a business. Instantly access location details, including address and facility information.

Why use Verified by IBN?

  • Verify the identity and ownership of GTIN barcodes
  • Trace a product’s origin
  • Build consumer trust
  • Enhance the buying experience
  • Increase supply chain visibility
  • Improve transparency with business partners
  • Verify company identity


Answers to your most common questions are below.
For more information please visit our FAQ page

What is IBN Verified?

IBN Verified provides global access to reliable data on products, companies, and locations using unique GTIN and GLN identifiers. It allows you to verify the ownership and authenticity of these identifiers with data directly from the owner.

By entering a barcode number, IBN Verified gives you instant access to verified contact and product details from companies using legally purchased, independently registered barcodes.

IBN Verified is powered by a cloud-based Global Electronic Barcode Information Registry, supported by data from the International Barcodes Database and the International Barcodes Network.

What information can I search for?

IBN Verified allows you to confirm the identity and ownership of products and companies through global access to data provided by the owners of legally purchased and independently registered barcode numbers.

  • Basic Information: Identify the company holding a valid GTIN or GLN identifier. Validate new product listings and confirm ownership.
  • Core Data: Access key details about a product or company to ensure identifiers match your business records, aiding onboarding and validation processes.
  • Additional Information: Connect to further data sources, including sustainability information, recalls, and certifications, for deeper insights and competitive advantage.

Who uses IBN Verified?

IBN Verified is trusted by manufacturers, brands, and retailers to ensure reliable data for seamless business operations.

  • Brand owners use it to confirm product and company identity with partners.
  • Retailers rely on it to verify product authenticity, ownership, and trace the product’s journey through the supply chain.

How does IBN Verified increase trust and confidence?

IBN Verified helps businesses by providing reliable data to solve key challenges:

  • Product and Company Verification: Ensures accurate identification of products and their rightful owners.
  • Supply Chain Transparency: Tracks products through the supply chain, verifying locations and components.
  • Trust and Compliance: Builds trust between partners and supports compliance with marketplace standards.

Why is my barcode number not showing up?

You may not have yet registered your barcode. If you want your product (or company) information to show up when searched, you will need to register your barcode on the International Barcodes Database.